Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Bombing in India

Some say the most frightening thing about the modern world is terrorism.

I always think this way.

The News may say "20 dead, 150 wounded" for example. This would in theory add 300 inconvenienced Doctors and Nurses, 1000 heartbroken relatives to the equation (and more!) but dont forget the 1000's working to make sure it doesnt happen again, the millions of pounds donated by 1000's of Charity's and jobs for those who need to rebuild the area, care for the injured over the next 50 years, feed all these people mentioned etc etc.

So apart from destroying life, it builds life, it is life, terrorism cannot win if we do not fear it. Its natural that this world has been destroying and re-birthing species of plants, animals and humans over millions of years. Different nations have been fighting over different things since the first written words, thousands of years ago.

Like rats, locusts and vultures of the natural world, terrorists will always exist and continue to feed as a sub-species on happy everyday people. They are a natural addition to our everyday life. We could never banish it completely. The war on terror is waisted for this reason alone.


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